Players should always:
- Play according to the laws and spirit of the game.
- Be on time and be prepared for matches and training sessions.
- Display self-control in all situations. Never use foul or abusive language - before, during or after a game or at training.
- Train and play to the best of your ability in a fair manner, have a positive attitude, and encourage others to do the same.
- Respect your own team mates, never verbally or physically abuse a team mate, never make fun of or put them down. Bullying will not be tolerated at Cumberland United in any form. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate a players registration with the club if a player is guilty of bullying.
- Respect the referee. Never dispute their decisions.
- Be respectful whether you win or lose.
- If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at the club then speak to someone you trust.
I understand that I must follow this Code of Conduct and that if I don’t I may be:
- Required to apologise to the person or people I have offended.
- Spoken to by the coach or club.
- Prevented from playing.
- Suspended from all club activities.
- Asked to leave the club.
- Required to attend a disciplinary hearing and may have sanctions imposed on me by the local association and/or Football SA